How to calculate the elementary card(map) of light exposure of type Direct Light
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Example of calculation of a card(map) of light exposure (lajtmepa):
We start program LODka3D.
We load a file,
we unpack it(him) and it is opened through menu Menu-> File-> Open.
The model is a standard room with two windows, and two columns which
often use for demonstration of calculations of schemes(plans) of illumination(coverage).
We choose in a file the first mesh Mesh1 and the first the Face-group in
it(him) Group1.
We come in the editor of schemes(plans) of illumination(coverage) Menu-> Edit-> Light schemes ... ,
we are switched to bookmark File. On this bookmark there are schemes(plans)
written down in a file. For the given file there there is only one
scheme(plan) of illumination(coverage) 4light1, choose it(her)
and the editor is closed.
In the chosen scheme(plan) of illumination(coverage) it is included two light sources. That them
to see it is necessary to put tick Menu-> Edit-> Show LigthSources.
Then there will be two wire designs showing
an arrangement of light sources in space.
We include a window of the generator lajtmepov. Menu-> Edit-> LightMap generator.
Here two sections:
LigthMap packing - allows to arrange textural
coordinates of triangles on a structure so that they did not block
each other and on-opportunity adjoined with each other the same sides
with which they adjoin in model. That is formed groups.
Options two:
Padding - distance between groups. In pixels. Therefore
the size of a structure is important here again.
Normals angle is a maximal divergence of normals
of triangles
that they were considered being in one group. The it is less, the more
groups it will be created (if, certainly, it probably). It is set in
Direct Lighting is a type of calculation of a card(map)
of light exposure at which dot sources of illumination(coverage) are used.
Calc shadows - whether to count shadows? If is not present,
calculation goes much more quickly, but without shadows.
Octree accuracy - accuracy at calculation of shadows. That is
how much(as far as) the length of the ray of light falling on a point, calculated
by means of algorithm Octree can differs from real
distance between a light source and a calculated point.
Draft - a draft copy. Points successively, and through time are calculated not all.
The formed holes are closed an average arithmetic the nearby
calculated points. The option is necessary for acceleration.
Emission color - color added to all calculated points
including what are in a shadow. By means of an option lajtmep it is possible
to clarify.
Texture color - color of a structure in "empty" places. Between
Brightness - brightness of sources of illumination(coverage). The general(common) for all
sources. Being a shadow the option does not influence places.
We choose the size of a structure we shall tell in 1024. We put a tick of shadow Shadows.
We choose Emission color, we shall tell grey, we put Brightness in 0.7 .
Also we press button
Start. Some time will go calculation. Time of calculation depends
on speed of work of a computer. Upon termination of calculation it will be possible to press
button Log and to look what stage what is the time paid off.
Triangles in Direct Light usually longest pay off.
Then we close a window and we look result. (see a screenshot)
That the result is better visible, it is necessary to not forget to disconnect(switch-off) illumination(coverage)
Menu-> Edit-> Lightings
To change parameters of sources of illumination(coverage) it is possible in the editor of schemes(plans) of
illumination(coverage) Menu-> Edit-> Light schemes .. .
Parameter Shiness (luminescence) - allows to include/disconnect(include/switch-off)
the chosen source of illumination(coverage) in the scheme(plan). Parameter Position - sets
its(his) position. Parameter Diffusion - color of illumination(coverage).
Parameters Const attenuation, Linear attenuation and
Quadratic attenuation define(determine) easing light depending on
removal(distance) from a source. The factor of easing is calculated under the formula:
k = Const attenuation +Linear attenuation*Distance
+Quadratic attenuation*Distance*Distance
Other options are not used.
Consider, that it while only beta.
To discuss:
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